Power switch: Centring human rights in Africa’s clean energy transition

Ahead of COP27, we will explore why a human rights-centred approach is essential to an equitable clean energy transition in Africa.

About this event

French & Spanish interpretation will be available at this event


We are delighted to be joined once again by Mary Robinson (former President of Ireland, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Chair of The Elders) who will host our discussion.

This year’s keynote speaker will be Mali Ole Kaunga, Executive Director, IMPACT (Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement & Conflict Transformation).

Mali Ole Kaunga is a Laikipia Maasai and pioneered strategic litigation for Indigenous Peoples in a case against the British Government for using Maasai and Samburu lands for military training. He and has been involved in lobbying for and advancing the interests of Indigenous Peoples affected by the Lake Turkana Wind Power Project and the Isiolo Mega Dam at national and international levels.

Panel speakers

Ikal Angelei – Founder & Director, Friends of Lake Turkana

Ikal is the founder of Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT), which has worked to stop the construction of the Ethiopian Gilgel Gibe III Dam on the Omo River, Lake Turkana’s primary source of water. Due to FoLT and other partner’s advocacy work on saving Lake Turkana, the Lake was added to the list of world Heritage sites in Danger by UNESSCO in June 2018. Ikal was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2012.

Francess Piagie Alghali – Sierra Leonne Minister of State in the Office of the Vice-President, EITI board member

Francess is the Principal Assistant to the Vice-President of Sierra Leone and supervises Sierra Leone Extractives Transparency Initiative Unit (SLEITI). She was Executive Secretary of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone, the National Human Rights Institution from 2010 to 2015 and has substantial experience in human rights.

Dr Hubert Danso, CEO & Chairman, Africa investor (Ai) Group

Dr Danso is the Chair of the African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank Advisory Board (AfGIIB). Dr Danso also serves on HRH The Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) Advisory Council, the World Benchmarking Alliance Just Transition Advisory Group, and the UNDP High-Level Project Steering Committee, advising on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Investor Map.

Joseph Kibugu – African Regional Manager, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Joseph has been involved in the National Action Plan processes in Kenya and Uganda & was the author of the recently published briefing on renewable energy in Africa. He is currently leading a project to support communities impacted by renewable energy companies in Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa claim accountability.