Institutional Investor-Public Partnerships Hub launched to mobilise trillions for green infrastructure

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  • Institutional Investor-Public Partnerships Hub launched to mobilise trillions for green infrastructure

22 March 2023 – Berlin, New York, London, Johannesburg, Paris, Dubai

The African Unions’ Continental Business Network (CBN), the CFA New York’s Global Asset Owners Council, and The African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank, working in partnership with Africa investor (Ai) and industry partners, today announced the launch of the Institutional Investor-Public Partnerships (IIPPs) Hub. The Hub is an online portal on IIPPs, which in collaboration with industry partners will become an invaluable online resource, for governments, investors, and stakeholders to assist in building viable IIPPs, global infrastructure investment allocations at scale, especially for green infrastructure projects across Africa, emerging markets and developing countries.

IIPPs are innovative infrastructure investment partnerships between a government and an institutional investor or investors, to mobilize private capital at scale and deploy that capital at speed in respect of climate-focused infrastructure investment programmes and projects to deliver a country’s Nationally-Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) commitments.

The mainstream emergence and adoption of IIPPs, which originated from and are successfully being employed and led by Australian, Canadian and now African governments, and pension fund global infrastructure investors, responds to world governments and global development finance institutions’ recognition that there is no single NetZero pathway that can be met to address the SDG’s and Paris Agreement infrastructure and energy multi trillion dollar financing gap, without exponentially increasing the scale, and speed, of global institutional investor allocations, which can be rapidly deployed and perform at the project and asset level.

The launch of was announced at the Global Infrastructure Investor Summit in Berlin during the Emerging Markets opening plenary by Dr Hubert Danso, Chairman, Africa investor (Ai) Group. The IIPPhub will host IIPP case studies, toolkits, procurement guidelines, risk mitigation options, project pipeline updates, and courses to help investment decision-makers and governments equip themselves to expedite IIPPs.

Speaking from Berlin, Dr Hubert Danso stated, “We are delighted to have modestly supported the development and launch of Today’s climate crisis and multi-trillion dollar infrastructure investment gap calls for the biggest Public-Private Partnership (PPP) of our times, between institutional investors representing over $200trn of capital and public sector leaders.”

IIPPs are now regarded as the alternative, and future successor, to existing PPP laws and regulations seeking to facilitate the expedited procurement of private capitals’ participation in green and industrial infrastructure assets, in support of mobilizing private capital at scale and deploying that private capital at speed, to bridge the Paris Agreement’s and the Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDG’s) multi-trillion dollar infrastructure investment gap.

The launch of is regarded as timely, given the focus of next month’s World Bank-IMF Spring Meetings, which will focus on deep and far reaching Multi-Lateral Development Bank (MDB) reforms, to better optimize their balance sheets, and mandates to de-risk and crowd-in private climate capital at scale and speed, for emerging markets and developing countries.

With the current PPP legal and regulatory architecture proving incapable of delivering the speed and scale of private capital mobilisation needed to bridge the Paris Agreement’s and SDG’s infrastructure investment targets, IIPPs, the IIPP Model Law and the IIPPHub, will be an invaluable resource to help governments, institutional investors and the blended finance community – especially those working in emerging markets – design resilient infrastructure investment projects, which can successfully mobilize private capital at scale, to deliver high-quality resilient infrastructure services which meet the public’s, investors, and the planet’s needs.

For more information on IIPPs visit