Peter Damgaard Jensen

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Peter Damgaard Jensen

Former CEO, PKA

Peter is the former CEO of PKA.

PKA is one of the largest occupational pension funds in Denmark. The PKA Group is owned by four occupational pension funds with more than 300,000 members, mainly employees in the public social and health sectors. At the end of 2018 the market value of the assets managed by PKA Ltd. was approximately DKK 275 billion (€40 bn.).

After graduating in 1981 from The University of Aarhus as a master of Political Science he joined the Association of County Councils in Denmark. In 1985 he moved to the Danish Nurses Organization in Denmark where he had different management positions. He left the Danish Nurses Organization in 2001 Pto join PKA.

Peter is a member of the board in The Danish Insurance Association and has previously been chairman and vice chairman of the board.

He is the vice chairman in Forca Ltd (a company in the pension fund and life insurance indus-try)

Peter was a member of the Board in DEAS (Dan-Ejendomme) – Denmark’s biggest property management company – in the period 2001-2006.
Peter is a member of the advisory board of The Danish SDG Investment Fund for SDG in-vestments in emerging markets and member of the advisory board in Axcel Ltd (leading Danish private equity Company)
Since January 2017 Peter is the Chair of IIGCC. Peter had been an IIGCC Board Member since December 2013.

Peter is a member of the “Global Commission on Adaption”. The commission was founded in Oc-tober 2018 by the Dutch government. The commission will be working with reports and action tracks in 2019 and 2020.